Setlist v7

Some acts on the stages I work on I have been a fan of since I don’t remember – the Jesus and Mary Chain being one of them. But as I mentioned in an earlier post, if I’m working on the stage, that is, “on duty”, I tend not to watch the act. Most acts these days use what is called “in-ears” – this means that what the band are playing is played back to them through personalised earpieces instead of monitors (that’s audio speakers to you) sitting on the stage – so the sound on the stage, where we are standing behind the PA, is nothing like what you’d hear as a member of the audience – think of having a conversation with someone who is turned away from you – it’s not a recipe for an enjoyable gig attending experience. So if there is a band I don’t want to miss, I’ll try to get time off – so with this JAMC gig, I got time off, had a few pints, watched the gig, and a great gig it was, then went back on stage when most of the hustle and bustle was over, and snagged myself the setlist – yeah, the job does have advantages, I won’t deny that 🙂

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